Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The shot put

The shot put (pronounced /ˈʃɒt pʊt/) is a track and field event involving "throwing"/"putting" (throwing in a pushing motion) a heavy spherical object —the shot—as far as possible. The shot put competition for men has been a part of the modern Olympics since their revival in 1896, and women's competition began in 1948.


Homer makes mention of competitions of rock throwing by soldiers during the Siege of Troy but there is no record of any dead weights being thrown in Greek competitions. The first evidence for stone- or weight-throwing events were in the Scottish, and date back to approximately the first century. In the 16th century King Henry VIII was noted for his prowess in court competitions of weight and hammer throwing.The first events resembling the modern shot put likely occurred in the Middle Ages when soldiers held competitions in which they hurled cannonballs. Shot put competitions were first recorded in early 19th century Scotland, and were a part of the British Amateur Championships beginning in 1866. Competitors take their throw from inside marked circle 2.135 metres (7.00 ft) in diameter, with a stopboard about 10 centimetres (3.9 in) high at the front of the circle. The distance thrown is measured from the inside of the circumference of the circle to the nearest mark made in the ground by the falling shot, with distances rounded down to the nearest centimetre under IAAF and WMA rules.

Legal throws

The following rules are adhered to for a legal throw:
·         Upon calling the athlete's name, they have sixty seconds to commence the throwing motion.
·         The athlete may not wear gloves; IAAF rules permit the taping of individual fingers.
·         The athlete must rest the shot close to the neck, and keep it tight to the neck throughout the motion.
·         The shot must be released above the height of the shoulder, using only one hand.
·         The athlete may touch the inside surface of the circle or toeboard, but must not touch the top or outside of the circle or toeboard, or the ground beyond the circle. Limbs may however extend over the lines of the circle in the air.
·         The shot must land in the legal sector (34.92°) of the throwing area.
·         The athlete must leave the throwing circle from the back.
The athlete may enter the ring wherever they chose. Foul throws occur when an athlete:
·         Does not pause within the circle before beginning the throwing motion.
·         Does not complete the throwing movement within sixty seconds of having his or her name called.
·         Allows the shot to drop below his shoulder or outside the vertical plane of his shoulder during the put.
At any time if the shot loses contact with the neck then it is technically an illegal throw.
·         During the throwing motion, touches with any part of the body (including shoes):
·         the top or ends of the toe board
·         the top of the iron ring
·         Anywhere outside the circle.
·         Throws a shot which either falls outside the throwing sector or touches a sector line on the initial impact.
·         Leaves the circle before the shot has landed.
·         Does not leave from the rear half of the circle.

Regulation Misconceptions

The following are either obsolete or non-existent but commonly believed rules within professional competition:
·         The athlete must enter the circle from the back (none of the rule books contain such a clause).
·         The athlete entering the circle, then exiting and re-entering it prior to starting the throw results in a foul (all the rule books allow an athlete to leave a circle prior to starting a throw, but this still counts within the one-minute time limit; the allowable method of exiting the circle varies by rule book).
·         Loose clothing, shoelaces, or long hair touching outside the circle during a throw, or an athlete bringing a towel into the circle and then throwing it out prior to the put results in a foul (these are no longer rules or never were rules—none of these actions provide unfair advantage to the thrower).

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